Friday, May 23, 2008
Exclusive Clip: The Fist Foot Way
Is this film box office competition for Sex In The City?
The Fist Foot Way is a comedy about a martial arts instructor whose life collapses after he finds out his wife is having an affair. This sends the our hero Simmons on a journey to find himself by battling undefeated champ Chuck “The Truck” Wallace. This clip is funny enough to make me go see it. In theaters May 30th.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Hollywood's Best Bet

Ev'ry gambler knows that the secret to survivin'
Is knowin' what to throw away and knowing what to keep.
'Cause ev'ry hand's a winner and ev'ry hand's a loser,
And the best that you can hope for is to die in your sleep-The Gambler, Kenny Rogers
With a lack of originality in much of Hollywood’s stories, there has been a major push towards reality television. What’s ironic is that the best original story Hollywood could have come up with is a reality for the NBA.
A gambling addict turned NBA ref fixes over 100 games. Just when we think it is a dead issue he blows the lid off the story by saying that other officials, coaches, and players were involved.
What studio is going to pass on that script? Think The Departed meets Hoosiers or Donnie Brasco meets White Shadow.
The 42 year old veteran referee plead guilty last summer to felony charges that involved taking cash payoffs and betting on games he officiated. He faces up to 25 years in prison and a $500,000 fine.
The story sounds straight forward enough. Here a few points that may make this a more interesting story and possible epic movie:
Tim Donaghy was not caught by NBA Security. He was overheard by the FBI on a mob wire tap, who then contacted the NBA.
During the time period he refereed 139 regular season games and 8 playoff games.
With the investigation still ongoing NBA Commissioner David Stern says at a press conference that he was a “rouge referee” and it was an “isolated instance”.
The NBA has not released a list of games Donaghy refereed from 2005-2007.
Sports gambling expert R. J. Bell tracked every game Donaghy worked from 2003-2007. He discovered that “during the two seasons investigated by the NBA the teams scored more points than expected by Vegas sports books 57% of the time. The odds of such a discrepancy are 1 in 1,000.”
Tim Donaghy told investigators that relationships among officials, coaches, and players “affected the outcome of the games”
Donaghy told investigators about the gambling activities of other NBA officials and about a referee that passed “confidential” information to an unidentified coach.
Donaghy’s attorney suggested that the NBA might have “pressured” the attorney’s office “into shutting down this prosecution to avoid the disclosure of information unrelated to Tim’s conduct.”
NBA referee Bob Delany is a former undercover state trooper with the New Jersey State Police task force on organized crime.
When Bob Delany was asked what illegal activities he participated in Delany said, “stolen property, loan sharking, gambling, purchasing of guns.”
Did he just say gambling? I wonder if Delany and Donaghy worked any games together. What if we found out they were in cahoots? What if David Stern was highly involved along with Lebron James and Steve Nash.
(Opening scene)
Donaghy: (in his car talking on the phone) Okay, Okay. I know I’m in the hole, but I’ll make up for it tonight. I’ll be sure not to make it look too obvious
Voice on the other end of the phone: The boss does not like to be disappointed.
(Kenny Rogers, The Gambler plays as a slow montage of NBA referee Tim Donaghy getting dressed for the game, walking on the court, half court handshake with NBA players. The camera surveys a crowd of cheering fans. One fan is still sitting in his seat with his eyes fixed on Donaghy. He’s there to protect his investment)
The NBA is Fantastic!
Monday, May 19, 2008
Who would play Obama in a movie?

One of the first things I saw this morning during my usual whats-happening-in-the-world-today search(that consist of Concreteloop, CNN, The PI, ESPN, and Allhiphop) was the Obama rally in Portland Oregon this weekend. Obama reportedly drew around 75,000 show up to his rally at Waterfront Park in Portland, Oregon. It is one of the largest crowds ever for a Presidential campaign. I’m a little frustrated that there is not a lot of national coverage for this. When was the last time you’ve seen any political figure have that many people come see them speak? I can’t think of anyone. Those are early 80’s Michael Jackson numbers.
I made an attempt to attend his rally in Seattle at Key Arena. I left work early and still wasn’t even close to getting in.
I wonder who would play Obama in a movie? Will Smith? My money would go towards Terrance Howard or Harry J. Lennix. You’ve seen him in Stomp The Yard, Ray, Barbershop 2, and Resurrecting The Champ. He should start working on his Obama impersonation right now.
Friday, May 16, 2008
Trailer: Bigger, Stronger, Faster*
Bigger, Stronger, Faster* is a documentary directed by Christopher Bell that discusses the use of steroids in the United States. Steroid use has been a hot topic for years in our sports culture. It’s amazing how much steroid use can have an effect on the sports we watch every day. This documentary looks to address America’s obsession with body image as well as the notion that you should win at all cost. In the past year we’ve had the Mitchell Report, Marion Jones steroid scandal, not to mention the wrestlers who’ve died before the age of 40. Bigger, Stronger, Faster* was a hit at the Sundance Film Festival. Hopefully it’ll be a hit once it opens nationwide on May 30th
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Movie Review: Made of Honor

Patrick Dempsey really fits the mold for “male lead in a romantic comedy”. The success of Grey’s Anatomy in addition to the McDreamy nickname is allowing him to take the crown from the likes of Matthew McConaughey and Hugh Grant. His look is good for about three or four more of these movies.
Patrick Dempsey plays Tom, a rich womanizer, who has a ton of women and seemingly a ton of rules about dating them too. Tom is best friends with Hannah (Michelle Monaghan) and has been since college. While Hannah is off in Scotland for work, Tom realizes that he has strong feelings for her. After Hannah returns they meet up for dinner where Tom is introduced to Colin, Hannah’s fiancĂ©.
Hannah proceeds to ask Tom if he would be her maid of honor. He agrees to be her maid of honor in an effort to thwart the wedding and confess his love to Hannah.
Made of Honor is a predictable romantic comedy that does not offer anything new to the audience. What guy is really going to be a maid of honor? That’s just a little too ridiculous for me. The movie is so predictable to the point I was able to tell my friend how it ended and what Tom was going to say. Maybe I watch too many movies. Maybe it’s just that predictable.
The movie is not without its entertaining moments.
Michelle Monaghan is fantastic in the movie. I enjoyed her last year in The Heartbreak Kid and Gone Baby Gone. I think she’s a very beautiful actress, but they made her look very plain for this movie.
The scenes with Tom and his buddies, played by Kadeem Hardison (Dwayne Wayne where have you been), Chris Messina, and Richmond Arquette help hold the movie together. Some of those conversations are conversations that men have from time-to-time. Each one of them has a different view on life, relationships, and marriage. It was good to see that dynamic in this movie. There is also a hysterical basketball scene with Tom and Colin that is definitely worth watching.
One of my favorite actors Sydney Pollack plays Thomas Sr. who ads some more laughter to the film. I wish he had a little more camera time.
My suggestion: I’m not too high on this movie because I feel like I’ve seen it before. If you happen to enjoy romantic comedies, you can go see it OR you can rent My Best Friend’s Wedding, Love Actually, How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days and sort of mix and match those movies. Kind of like putting together a Lego set, but only you would be building a chick flick. For those who enjoy this genre they will be pleased with this film. You’ll like it, but not love it.
michelle monaghan,
patrick dempsy,
Monday, May 5, 2008
Movie Review: Iron Man

This summer has officially started off with a bang. I listed Iron Man #2 on my movies to see this summer. The only concern I had about this movie was Robert Downey Jr. I wondered if he could pull of Tony Stark. Would he be Bale in Batman Begins or Ben Affleck in Daredevil? Not only does he pull it off, Downey looks like he’s having fun doing it.
Robert Downey Jr. plays Tony Stark, a billionaire weapons maker who is as rich as Bruce Wayne combined with the intelligence of Peter Parker. Stark is kidnapped and mortally wounded on a trip through Afghanistan. His only escape is constructing a metal suit to fight his way out.
After escaping Starks devotes his life to fighting the very people who use his weapons for evil. He uses the prototype metal man suit he made to engineer a sleeker version, giving us Iron Man.
Robert Downey Jr gives us one of the better super hero performances. It’s easy to hold a moviegoers attention in the Iron Man suit. The special effects, gadgets, eye-popping special effects, or even the cool colors can sell themselves. The scenes where he’s not wearing the suit is where we need to see the actor shine. Downey does a masterful job with his witty performance as Tony Stark. He’s so believable as a billionaire/playboy/egomaniac that I’m not even sure if he’s acting.
Terrance Howard, Gwyneth Paltrow, and Jeff Bridges round out the supporting cast in the film. All accomplished actors who did a really good job. Whoever casted for this film did a wonderful job of getting actors who could hold up the scenes that didn’t have explosions or cool Iron suits in them. I didn’t find myself bored, staring at my watch waiting for another action sequence.
One of the villains in the movie is Raza played by Faran Tahir. Raza did not have a lot of lines in the movie, but his presence seemed necessary. I look forward to seeing him in some more movies.
My suggestion: Iron Man is a fun ride for everyone. One of the better comic book adaptations that’s been made over the years. Jon Favreau did a magnificent job constructing this film, and including some of the nuances of the comic book. The storyline is good, the action is great, not to mention the script is funny and keeps you engaged for the whole film. The action reminds me of mornings sitting up ignoring my chores, reading comic book after comic book. I would have never imagined we would see those same comic book heroes on such a big stage. Next up, The Hulk!
robert downey jr.,
terrance howard
Top 10 Movie Villains

In no particular order
1. Agent Smith - Matrix Trilogy (Hugo Weaving): One of the coolest villains we've had over the past few years. I loved how he would fix his suit during a fight scene. Don't think he's a great movie villain? What the movie again, you'll see how everyone is completely terrified of him.
Villainous Moment: When the agents have Morpheus captured, Smith gives his speech and says, "I can taste your stink and every time I do, I feel that I've somehow been infected by it."
2. Dr. Hannibal Lecter – Silence of the Lambs (Anthony Hopkins): Creepy is not the word to describe him. I'm not sure if there is even one word that sums up this character. Was what he said scary, or how he said it. You start to kind of like him because he's helping Clarice solve the murders………….then you see him kill someone and you say, "Oh that's they have that mask on his face."
Villainous Moment: Killing the guard then escaping from the cell pretending to be the mangled guard by putting the dead guard's skin on his face. Great costume!
3. Bishop – Juice (Tupac Shakur): One of the first movies of its genre has one of the best characters in it. This guy was crazy! He robbed a store, shot his best friend, showed up at his friend's funerals to pay his respects, intimidated his other friends, shot Radamen, told everyone Q was responsible, and shot Steels. Did I mention he was only high school? One of my favorite scenes is Bishops confrontation with Q at school. He closes his locker and Bishop is standing right there. Q once again calls Bishop crazy. The exchange ends with Bishop saying, "You remember that (expletive). I'm the one you need to be looking out for……..potna!
Villainous Moment: Bishop is trying to kill Q (the only witness left) as Q tries to get away, they both cram into an elevator. What does Bishop do? Pull out his gun and shoot in a crowded elevator.
4. Commodus – Gladiator (Joaquin Phoenix): I remember hating this character as I watched the movie, after the movie, and when I told people about the movie. He was like a spoiled brat. That kid who would take his ball and go home, only his ball happened to be all of Rome. There was also that awkwardness with him and his sister. Sort of creepy if you ask me.
Villainous Moment: The sequence when he kills Marcus Aurelius after he tells him that Maximus will be the leader of Rome, then proceeds to tell everyone that his father passed in his sleep, calls Maximums a trader and has his family killed. All that in the first half hour.
5. Anton Chigurh – No Country for Old Men (Javier Bardem): This Oscar Award winning performance was good. I like to see villains win more Oscars. I know I'm not the only one who felt like something bad was going to happen every time Anton showed up on screen. You never knew what was really driving him, just that he would shoot anything/anybody in his way.
Villainous Moment: He shot a ton of people in the film, but the scene that got me was the old man at the gas station. I knew that if he didn't get the coin flip right, he was a dead man. The scary part was that the old man had no idea.
6. Hedra "Hedy" Carlson – Single White Female (Jennifer Jason Leigh): I have a friend, who has a friend, who sort of reminds us of this character. This is a clear example of when friendships go bad. I always seem to reference this character when a female friend has some stalker friend issues. People can point to this movie and say, "That's why I don't have friends". They'd have a very good point.
Villainous Moment: The scene at the hair salon when she walks down the steps with the exact hairstyle as Allison is out of control. It's both funny and scary……….sort of how clowns for some people. It would be wrong not to mention the scene where she sleeps with the boyfriend pretending to be Allison.
7. Han – Enter The Dragon (Kien Shih): I loved this character as a kid. I remember my uncle having these movie posters in his room. Han always looked mad in the film. To me he is the underrated villain. He had a handicap (one of his hands was missing) that he turned into a weapon with detachable hands. My favorite being the bear claw he used to fight Lee in the final scene. Han was able to host a martial arts tournament to the death, and have slaves underground on the same island. He gets points for multi-tasking his evil plans.
Villainous Moment: Killing Williams with one hand after he thought he was out of his room past curfew. Who gives a grown man a curfew? That's bull Mr. Han Man!
8. Annie Wilkes – Misery (Kathy Bates): Underneath all the nasty stuff, she's just an obsessed fan who wants to see one of her favorite characters brought back to life. That's not so bad right? That's how I felt when they killed off Stringer Bell on The Wire. Except for the fact that she goes overboard in proving her point. A simple letter to the editor might have been sufficient.
Villainous Moment: The scene where she hobbles Paul so that he can't escape. What happened to handcuffs? It is one thing to show her swing the hammer, but it's another thing to show his ankles collapse like they did. I still can't watch that scene.
9. The Terminator – Terminator (Arnold Schwarzenegger) – One of the main reasons I'm against cybernetic technology is this movie. He shows no emotion through the whole movie. He wasn't even upset when he couldn't get to his target. He just kept going and going like an evil Energizer Bunny. The Terminator is definition of a one-man wrecking crew. One of the most relentless bad guys we've had in cinema.
Villainous Moment: The famous line "I'll be back." I like how people say that phrase all the time. I wonder if they know that in the context of the movie, he was talking to a police officer. When he came "back" he shot everyone in the police station. That was in the day of cinema where everything bad seemed to happen in California, now it's New York. Good times for the Govenator.
10. Alonzo – Training Day (Denzel Washington): My mom LOVES Denzel. My mom also hates this movie and refuses to watch it. She even despises the fact that he won an Oscar for his performance. This movie came out right after Remember the Titans. For some reason I kept waiting for Alonzo to do something good. To the delight of movie fans everywhere, it never happened. The more I watch the movie, the more I realize how cold blooded he was. The fact that they mention he had a family at the end always cracks me up.
Villainous Moment: I wasn't sure he was a bad guy UNTIL he left Detective Hoyt in that house for dead. I remember thinking, "He's going to come back and get him." He also tells Hoyt "To be a truly effective, a good narcotics agent must know and love narcotic. In fact, a good narcotics agent should have narcotics in his blood."
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