One of the first things I saw this morning during my usual whats-happening-in-the-world-today search(that consist of Concreteloop, CNN, The PI, ESPN, and Allhiphop) was the Obama rally in Portland Oregon this weekend. Obama reportedly drew around 75,000 show up to his rally at Waterfront Park in Portland, Oregon. It is one of the largest crowds ever for a Presidential campaign. I’m a little frustrated that there is not a lot of national coverage for this. When was the last time you’ve seen any political figure have that many people come see them speak? I can’t think of anyone. Those are early 80’s Michael Jackson numbers.
I made an attempt to attend his rally in Seattle at Key Arena. I left work early and still wasn’t even close to getting in.
I wonder who would play Obama in a movie? Will Smith? My money would go towards Terrance Howard or Harry J. Lennix. You’ve seen him in Stomp The Yard, Ray, Barbershop 2, and Resurrecting The Champ. He should start working on his Obama impersonation right now.
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