Let me start off by saying that I love Eddie Murphy. I grew up watching him on SNL and have enjoyed a lot of his work. I just wonder if that is really Eddie in all of those bad films. If so, he has the strange ability be involved in really great movies (see Coming to America, 48 Hours, Training Places, The Nutty Professor) and really bad ones. Here is a list of some of Eddie’s worst movies:
Beverly Hills Cop 3 (1994)
Axel Foley is on the trail to find who shot his boss. He stumbles upon a counterfeit money ring run out of a theme park called Wonder World.
This is one of those films I refuse to discuss. As a fan of the first to movies, Beverly Hills Cop 3 really upset me. This movie is a lot like Rocky V, if it wasn’t for the IMDB page, people would have no idea those movies were even made. What was he thinking making this movie? Did they pitch it as 48 Hours meets National Lampoon’s Vacation? He may have secretly been forced to make this movie. In this movie I swear he looked about as comfortable as those guys when they realize they are on Dateline’s To Catch a Predator. The poster in front of the roller coaster says enough.
Norbit (2007)
For some reason everyone I know has seen this film. Maybe they were attracted to see Eddie Murphy in a fat suit again. In this film Eddie stars as Norbit, a mild-mannered man who is trapped in a terrible relationship. He meets the girl of his dreams and tries to find ways to be with her.
Not sure how this movie missed the mark. There are a lot of talented people casted for this movie. For some reason they just couldn’t pull it together. I can see producers sitting around the table and saying, “I got it! Let’s put Eddie Murphy in a fat suit again.” This could easily be Eddie Murphy’s worst movie. The buzz around Oscar time was that this performance may cost him his Academy Award. It’s kind of ironic that one of the funniest comedians we’ve ever had is nominated for an Oscar, but loses because he has a terrible comedy come out the same year. Sounds like the plot for Eddie’s next crappy movie.
Vampire in Brooklyn (1995)
Murphy stars at Maximillian, a vampire who goes to Brooklyn to find a half vampire daughter.
Let’s see this movie is not funny, not scary, and barely entertaining. I didn’t want to see a 90’s version of Blacula. This movie is great if somehow you enjoy bad vampire movies. Vampire in Brooklyn is one of those movies that is so bad, you have to watch it. Eddie did show he could be good at playing a villain. Kudos to Eddie for trying something new, it’s just too bad I’ll never get those 2 hours of my life back.
The Adventures of Pluto Nash (2002)
The O.J Simpson You-Should-Quit-While-You’re-Ahead award goes to Pluto Nash. Murphy stars as nightclub owner Pluto Nash who, despite pressure from the mob, is trying to keep his club open in space.
Why did I see this movie? Two reasons: Rosario Dawson. Not even her beautiful smile could save this film. Mobsters in space? Really? It’s no wonder this movie was highly unsuccessful. What is surprising is that the films budget was estimated at $100 million (yes Dr. Evil $100 million) with a marketing cost of $20 million. According to Wikipedia as of 2008 this is the sixth-largest financial loss of any film ever made. I would hate to have my name attached to that project. I’m almost certain somebody lost their job behind this movie. I was recently roasted ay my birthday party. One of my good friends who lives out of town sent in a list of things she remembers about me. #10 on the list: Taking me to see Pluto Nash. This movie still haunts me today.
Holy Man (1998)
Eddie plays a man who is in search of enlightenment. During his journey he decides to help a man save his job.
Why make this movie? Was Murphy close to being an insurance salesman so he desperately needed money? I swear he spent 90% of the movie smiling like a crazed mental patient. I’ll stick by my theory that he signed on thinking Holy Man was a movie where he would be playing Jesus. At the last minute they change the script, but he had a legal obligation to make this movie. There is no other logical explanation for him to be attached to this film.
Showtime (2002)
You would think that Robert DeNiro and Eddie Murphy would be a sure hit. Not so much. When you look this movie up on IMDB one of the keywords is “Box Office Flop”. In Showtime, Murphy stars as Officer Sellars. After botching an investigation and shooting a camera the LAPD decided to let this reality TV show follow Sellars and Mitch (DeNiro) around filming what life is like for the LAPD.
Not only is the concept of this film utterly ridiculous, there is zero chemistry between the two stars. Eddie Murphy looked like he was being held hostage, and DeNiro had about as much joy on his face as Hilary Clinton did when she congratulated Barack. I know it’s hard to pass up an opportunity to work with legendary actor Robert DeNiro but maybe Eddie should have thought twice about this buddy cop movie. At least we still have 48 Hrs.
Dr. Dolitte 2 (2001)
Murphy returns at Dr. John Dolittle. This time he’s playing matchmaker for a Circus Bear.
Do you realize he spent all day working with animals, and talking to himself? There has to be footage somewhere of him sitting in his trailer depressed. What gives me a headache about this movie is that it was completely unnecessary. He played the worst movie doctor since Dr. Giggles. I hope a lot of kids loved this movie because I know a lot of people who didn’t.
Bowfinger (1999)
Eddie plays Kit and Jiff Ramsey. A struggling producer makes a movie for Kit. When he’s unable to cast Kit in the film, he cast his not so cool brother Jiff so he can secretly film the movie without Kit’s knowledge.
The movie never gets funny. It’s incredibly painful to watch. Mentioning this movie to Eddie may result in a fight. I saw this movie in Canada and it was beyond terrible. I remember thinking, “Maybe Canada gets different versions of movies. These Canadians are funny! There is no way Eddie Murphy would make this movie in America.” I almost asked for my toonies back. When I returned to the states I realized what I saw was the American version of Bowfinger. If I was Eddie I would use some of that Shrek money to buy the rights to Bowfinger and quickly destroy every existing copy. It only makes sense.
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