Monday, March 31, 2008
Trailer: Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
Am I the only one who can't wait to see this movie? Its ranked #5 on my movies to see this summer. When it's all said it done it could end up being #2. The big elephant in the room is that some believe Han Solo is a little too old to be searching for lost treasure. According to this trailer, he'll be just fine. Here to hoping Shia, Dr. Richard Kimble, and Cate Blanchett can pull it off.
harrison ford,
idiana jones,
shia lebouf
The Hammer

Is it me or does The Hammer sounds like an old 1970's TV show. One of those shows where the lead character is a tough-as-nails detective who's known for roughing up the bad guys. The type of guy who doesn't care about the rules, his only concern is justice……………..STREET JUSTICE.
So when I heard that they were making a film I was shocked to hear it was about boxing; not the action drama that I've scripted in my head.
The Hammer stars Adam Carolla as 40 year old Jerry Ferro. The former amateur boxer who is now a construction worker/ boxing instructor at a local gym. With life now getting the best of Jerry, he decides to take an opportunity at the Olympic tryouts and return to competitive boxing.
Two words to describe this movie: original and funny………… a lot funnier than I expected. (that's more than two words I know)
Adam Carolla is Adam Carolla in this film. If you listen to his radio show or have seen him on Jimmy Kimmel Live, you know what to expect from him. Carolla likes to rant and rave about random observations. Carolla will say, "Do you know what bothers me? What bothers me is…….". I swear the man could go on for hours on one topic alone. That happens to be part of what makes Carolla funny. His character in the film is the same way. Not only does it work well, it works very well.
The movie also has a nice love story involving Jerry and one of his boxing students Lindsay (Heather Juregensen). If you need to convince a woman to see it, here is your angle. There is enough "romance" in the movie that it will keep her interested plus she won't drag you to see 27 Dresses for making her watch this movie.
There is also a funny comedic performance from Oswaldo Castillo as Oswald. Harold House Moore plays Robert Brown, a light heavyweight competing with Jerry for that elusive Olympic spot. Moore does a great job as the young, hot shot, up-and-coming boxer.
My suggestion: Go see The Hammer! If you like Adam Carolla you will like this movie. It's a nice original story that's also funny, and entertaining. It's going to be one of those movies that people will re-watch on cable. Well worth the $9.75 I paid to see it.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
10 Reasons I Love Lauren London

Reasons I love Lauren Nicole London
10. She's pretty cute. I don't know if you saw ATL, This Christmas but yeah she's good in those movies.
9. She's the new "it" girl. Beyonce is getting old and Rhianna hasn't caught fire yet. Ms. London is the real deal
8. She's light skin. Maybe it's some post slavery stuff that I'll need counseling for but I love the light skinned girls. Easily the worlds baddest 5'2 light skin girl.
7. Her KING magazine cover and article. That really put her on the map and up'd her sexy
6. Her smile/dimples. You can't fake those. You can augment whatever you want but those dimples are natural. Almost heart stopping
5. She's very likeable. Seems like that girl next door you could party all night with or take to church with mom. If my mom didn't like her.................sorry mom but I'll miss not having you at my wedding.
4. Did you see Rip The Runway? She's a natural with the microphone. Very engaging. I feel like she's talking to my soul. My souls has since written her a four page letter.
3. Her short cameo on Entourage. Somehow she was Turtle's love interest.That was like how they stuck Lisa with Screech on Saved By The Bell.With that said she stole a few scene with that signature smile. It may be the first time I ever wanted to be named Turtle.
2. Her eyes. It's like Medusa in Clash Of The Titans, only instead of dying you fall in love. If you don't believe me go to Google image and see if you don't fall in love for about 2 seconds.
1. Although she's a star she seems "dateable". I feel like if I have a hit move that's going to be made and I bump into her in LA that we could wrap and I could put the charm on her, go to breafast, watch a movie, go to dinner, and watch the sunset on Sunset. I'm frantically writing my script right now
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Horton Hears A Who!
As a kid I don’t remember too much about my early childhood. Maybe all the TV I’ve watched has started to replace my memories with TV theme songs. Somehow I never seem to forget those. If they could turn the periodic table of elements into one of those catchy 80’s theme song, I would be the greatest scientist in the world.
One thing I do remember was having Dr. Suess' books. A ton of Dr. Suess’ books. Did I really I have ever single one? I should check with my mom to verify if any of this is true. Either way I had remember having these books and Cat In The Hat bookends that kept them on top of my dresser. Needless to say I was excited to see Cat In The Hat and How The Grinch Stole Christmas. The Grinch I enjoyed but Cat In That Hat…………..not so much.
Why do I see kids movies at my age? I’m still not sure yet. I think it’s because they can do so much more with animation. They are able to make the characters more entertaining and the movie more visually stunning. Look at the way animation was used for huge hits like Sin City and 300. It doesn’t work for every movie because I’d rather drink bleach than watch Renaissance again.
Dr. Suess’ newest book turned kids movie is Horton Hears A Who. The movie starts Jim Carey as the voice of Horton the loveable Elephant who finds a world of people living on a speck of dust. He comes in contact with the Mayor of Whoville (Steve Carrell) and realizes he has to find a safe place for the tiny speck to live. Horton sets off to find a stable home and saving Whoville.
Horton’s neighbors refuse to believe anything can live on a speck. The most notorious of them is Kangaroo (Carol Burnett).
I was very surprised how much I enjoyed the movie. It was funny, heart-warming, and even had a “after school special” point to it at the end. The voices for the movie are casted very well. For some reasons the Who’s always remind me of Planet of The Apes.
One of the movies comedic highlights comes from Vlad (Will Artnet) an evil vulture. Vlad steals a few funny scenes with his ridiculous antics and even more ridiculous accent. Morton (Seth Rogen) is funny as Horton’s paranoid friend.
My suggestion: See Horton! It is a great family movie that continues the tradition of animated movies that both kids and adults can enjoy. I know kids can’t wait for the DVD release. Like any kids movie it will be annoying to the parents who are tortured into watching it every day for two months.
One thing I do remember was having Dr. Suess' books. A ton of Dr. Suess’ books. Did I really I have ever single one? I should check with my mom to verify if any of this is true. Either way I had remember having these books and Cat In The Hat bookends that kept them on top of my dresser. Needless to say I was excited to see Cat In The Hat and How The Grinch Stole Christmas. The Grinch I enjoyed but Cat In That Hat…………..not so much.
Why do I see kids movies at my age? I’m still not sure yet. I think it’s because they can do so much more with animation. They are able to make the characters more entertaining and the movie more visually stunning. Look at the way animation was used for huge hits like Sin City and 300. It doesn’t work for every movie because I’d rather drink bleach than watch Renaissance again.
Dr. Suess’ newest book turned kids movie is Horton Hears A Who. The movie starts Jim Carey as the voice of Horton the loveable Elephant who finds a world of people living on a speck of dust. He comes in contact with the Mayor of Whoville (Steve Carrell) and realizes he has to find a safe place for the tiny speck to live. Horton sets off to find a stable home and saving Whoville.
Horton’s neighbors refuse to believe anything can live on a speck. The most notorious of them is Kangaroo (Carol Burnett).
I was very surprised how much I enjoyed the movie. It was funny, heart-warming, and even had a “after school special” point to it at the end. The voices for the movie are casted very well. For some reasons the Who’s always remind me of Planet of The Apes.
One of the movies comedic highlights comes from Vlad (Will Artnet) an evil vulture. Vlad steals a few funny scenes with his ridiculous antics and even more ridiculous accent. Morton (Seth Rogen) is funny as Horton’s paranoid friend.
My suggestion: See Horton! It is a great family movie that continues the tradition of animated movies that both kids and adults can enjoy. I know kids can’t wait for the DVD release. Like any kids movie it will be annoying to the parents who are tortured into watching it every day for two months.
jim carey,
seth rogen,
steve carrell,
will artnet
Friday, March 14, 2008
Incredible Hulk Trailer!!!!
The Incredible Hulk has returned in 2008. The trailer looks good. This movie may be better than the pu-pu platter that came out in 2003. No disrespect to Eric Bana ,but I like Edward Norton in this role. This version should be good. The movie is scheduled to hit theaters June 13
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
I listed Will Ferrell's new movie Semi-Pro #4 on my list of movies to see this summer. Is it too late to change my list? Semi-Pro was funny…just not the type of funny we expect from Ferrell. The movie stars Ferrell as Jackie Moon, owner/coach/player/promoter of the struggling ABA team The Flint Michigan Tropics. With the league going bankrupt, the owners decided that the top four teams should merge with the NBA. In order to keep his team Moon not only has to win games, but have least 2,000 fans in attendance for every home game. To be honest, I like Ferrel, I like him a lot. I loved Blades Of Glory, and Talladega Nights; this sports movie just wasn't in the same league as the other films. Although I was disappointed, the movie was not without its share of funny moments. Semi-Pro opens with Jackie Moon's mega hit "Love Me Sexy" (I'm still trying to find the ringtone) The song just reminds me of one of those sleazy 1970's one hit wonders with lewd lyrics that are almost as bad as the album covers. Will Arnett is hilarious as Lou Redwood, ex-player/Tropics announcer. He has some pretty funny one-liners in the film that kept me laughing. I'm a huge critic of rappers turned actors. Andre Benjamin does a good job as Clarence 'Coffee' Black, the only Tropic with any real basketball talent. It makes me wonder if he will ever go back to making albums. Matt Walsh is priceless as Father Pat the Ref. His, "maybe your mom's not in heaven", joke still has me laughing. My biggest problem with the movie: Not consistent enough. It reminds me of a girl I dated once who was so hot and cold it drove me crazy. We would have these great dates and I wouldn't hear from her the next day. I was frustrated because I couldn't get a consistent feel for the relationship. That's exactly how this movie felt. You would have funny moments that were followed by dry spells. It was hard to get a consistent laugh. Since I listed it at #4 I wish I could have had a few more laughs.Semi-Pro has a lot of ABA references. If you aren't familiar with the ABA and how things were in the late 70's, a lot of the jokes don't make as much sense. I should thank my dad for all of those old stories about Dr. J. Thanks Dad!Since this movie is rated R they can't show a lot of what makes this movie funny on TV. This movie may have been better as a PG-13. When will people realize that PG-13 is where it's at. I know that the R rating is necessary for some films, but Semi-Pro that could have been just as funny if not funnier as a PG-13. My suggestion: If you are a fan of Ferrell you may want to go see the movie. If not, you can easily wait for the DVD. What's crazy is that the funniest part of my two hours at the theater was the trailer for Ferrell's next movie Step Brothers with Talladega Nights co-star John C. Reilly. That's the sort of comedy I can't wait to see.
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
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