Reasons I love Lauren Nicole London
10. She's pretty cute. I don't know if you saw ATL, This Christmas but yeah she's good in those movies.
9. She's the new "it" girl. Beyonce is getting old and Rhianna hasn't caught fire yet. Ms. London is the real deal
8. She's light skin. Maybe it's some post slavery stuff that I'll need counseling for but I love the light skinned girls. Easily the worlds baddest 5'2 light skin girl.
7. Her KING magazine cover and article. That really put her on the map and up'd her sexy
6. Her smile/dimples. You can't fake those. You can augment whatever you want but those dimples are natural. Almost heart stopping
5. She's very likeable. Seems like that girl next door you could party all night with or take to church with mom. If my mom didn't like her.................sorry mom but I'll miss not having you at my wedding.
4. Did you see Rip The Runway? She's a natural with the microphone. Very engaging. I feel like she's talking to my soul. My souls has since written her a four page letter.
3. Her short cameo on Entourage. Somehow she was Turtle's love interest.That was like how they stuck Lisa with Screech on Saved By The Bell.With that said she stole a few scene with that signature smile. It may be the first time I ever wanted to be named Turtle.
2. Her eyes. It's like Medusa in Clash Of The Titans, only instead of dying you fall in love. If you don't believe me go to Google image and see if you don't fall in love for about 2 seconds.
1. Although she's a star she seems "dateable". I feel like if I have a hit move that's going to be made and I bump into her in LA that we could wrap and I could put the charm on her, go to breafast, watch a movie, go to dinner, and watch the sunset on Sunset. I'm frantically writing my script right now
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