Have you ever watched a movie that was so over-the-top you couldn’t believe it. Not like the 1980’s Stallone flick where he arm wrestles for custody of his son. I mean more like insane action sequences, unforgiveable violence, plus language that would make a sailor blush. If you like all of those elements, Wanted may be right up your alley.
Wesley Gibson (James McAvoy) is a account manager who is unhappy working a dead end job, headed towards a dead end in his life. Wesley is approached by Fox (Angelina Jolie) who tells him his father was part of an elite team of Assassins known as The Fraternity.
Wesley is introduced to the leader of the Fraternity, Sloan (Morgan Freeman) who informs him that he’s been recruited to assassinate Cross (Thomas Kretschmann), the man who killed his father . Our hero also meets the other colorful members of The Fraternity played by Common, Marc Warren, and Dato Bakhtadze. Each member providing Wesley training in their own specific field to help prepare him for his showdown with Cross.
At first James McAvoy is hard to believe as a hero, but believable as the guy who hates his life.
As the movie progresses he grows into the hero role. Some of the incredible action sequences help enhance that image. By the end of the film I found him more likeable than I did annoying. It’s easy to cheer for the underdog.
I loved Angelina Jolie in this film. One of the things I like about her is that she has the unique ability to look very attractive yet still pull off that tough girl persona all in the same scene. I never thought I could be attracted to a woman and deathly afraid of her all within 30 seconds. I don’t know whether to be happy for Brad Pitt or scared for him. Who else would you cast in a role as a female assassin? I spent the last five minutes trying to think of someone and I’m drawing a blank.
I watched a commercial for Wanted and my parents decided they were going to see this movie because Morgan Freeman was in it. How could I tell them this wasn’t Driving Miss Daisy with guns? I advised them to let me see it first. They aren’t fond of violence in movies. They would have walked out around the 17 minute mark of this film. Wanted is not for the faint of heart. It is violent with some strong language as well.
My suggestion: If you like action, violence, language, some brief nudity from Angelina Jolie, it is a must see for the summer. It doesn’t have the greatest plot or the coolest storyline. The movie is not without it’s funny moments or great one-liners. The action, fight scenes, and dialogue should keep you entertained for the whole film. There are some original action sequences in the film that will definitely have you buzzing in the theater. I wouldn’t say it’s the best movie I’ve seen this year. Just a nice fun/entertaining movie to see for the summer.
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